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Why EPP blocks and EVA blocks and different ?

Views: 953     Author: Yuki     Publish Time: 2019-07-04      Origin: Site


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Material Difference

EVA foam is now more common, such as EVA mats. The EPP material is a new type of foam, and it is on the road of continuous improvement.

1. Both EPP foam and EVA foam have good damping cushioning effect, but EPP foam is slightly harder in material, lower in elasticity and cushioning performance than EVA material, and EVA material is not easy to recover under long-term pressure and is easily deformed.

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2. EPP materials use high temperatures and low temperatures of minus 40 to 130 degrees Celsius, while EVA materials range from minus 170 degrees to 105 degrees. Both have their own advantages and are more suitable for applying EPP materials at high temperatures. Improvements in EPP materials have a wider range of properties.

3.EPP material is non-toxic and tasteless. It does not precipitate any toxic substances in high temperature or low temperature, and it can be degraded as a real environmentally friendly foam.Our Eva foam products are also ECO FREE and of no unpleasant smell, but it is not as degradable as EPP products .So in a word ,the EPP products is a little more ECO friendly than EVA products.

4. When the 2 material use in toys. Please refer to our catalogs of  of our EVA and EPP catalogue.

You will find:

For the product cost , EVA most famous brand is Imagination playground, who sells a very popular style of blue color EVA high density toys, the product cost is really high if you want giant toys made of EVA . So EVA toys are also popular, for the giant EVA toys are usually applied to International Kindergarten or school outdoor playground.  


For the giant EVA PIN WALL , it is popular in shopping malls, DAY CARE , FEC, kindergarten frontier , kids cafe etc

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For the small EVA toys, which are sold on line or baby stores as gifts for kids birthday etc.

One great advantage of EVA is that , EVA can make many very strange styles which for EPP needs giant moulding. Thats why EVA TOYS are called imagination art toys, because you can design and create any EVA toys which is in your imagination , and when you play , it can be also free style!!


For the EPP toys, when you check the EPP sizes catalogue, you will find out that , EPP sizes are all molded , we use different mould to make different EPP toys , and so far we have 45 different EPP moldings of different styles , which just like GIANT LEGO PLAYGROUND , we usually sell them as 1 set .

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Because the very giant size and color and light weight , EPP giant Lego playground, is sold to usually to shopping malls kids play area , commercial playground , FEC , kids cafes , restaurant play area, air port , etc.



So, choose EVA or EPP playground, it is up to your market !

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 Ms. Katie Zhang
  Yangwan Industrial Area,Qiaoxia Town,Yongjia County, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China (Mainland)
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