Views: 436 Author: Carpenterworm-李晶晶-Elaine Publish Time: 2018-04-10 Origin: Site
Block play has been linked with Science study.
Researchers at the University of Delaware, in the United States, made a special study of preschool children playing with building blocks. They found that playing with building blocks could improve the ability of preschool children to learn science, technology, engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in the future.
Block play makes kids creative.
kids can put together blocks in a variety of ways, for block play is a divergent play. And divergent play with blocks may prepare kids to think creatively and better solve divergent problems. They also showed more creativity in their attempts to solve the problems.
Block play helps kids to improve social skill.
kids become friendlier and more socially-savvy when they work on cooperative construction projects. They are willing to make friends while playing, so that will also be a good way to approach your kids.
Block play develops practical ability.
Building blocks can help to increase kid’s competence for their future life. Physical benefit Building blocks help to strengthen kid’s fingers and hands. The block play reflects the real life by inserting, inlaying, heap height, paving and spirals. Parents can participate in children's games. Through demonstration, explanation, suggestion and language hint, the children can practice their own knowledge and skills.
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